Dental Problems which can be corrected
Cases that SDalign can correct

Spacing or Gaps in Teeth
Gaps in Teeth or spaces between teeth is a common problem in India. According a survey, 1 in every 4 Indians have this problem. SDalign Clear Aligners or Invisible Braces are the perfect solution for this problem. Gaps in Teeth are the easiest orthodontic problem to solve with SDalign Clear Aligner and can be treated in a very short time.

Open Bite (Gap in Upper & Lower Teeth)
An open bite is a condition where your upper and lower teeth do not touch each other when the mouth is shut. Such a problem exists generally because the teeth are not aligned correctly. This can also be corrected using SDalign Clear Aligners. Most cases are simple and may not need braces and can be corrected using aligners or invisible braces.

Deep Bite (Upper Teeth falling over, covering Lower Teeth)
Deep Bite is an orthodontic problem in which the upper teeth are excessively overlapping on the lower front teeth when the mouth is closed. This is typically an aesthetic problem. SDalign Clear Aligners can solve most cases of a deep bite but every case needs to assessed for understanding the level of complexity. In most cases however, the problem should get corrected using clear aligners.

Crowding (Crooked, Zigzag Teeth)
Crowded teeth generally occur in individuals with a smaller facial frame. Due to insufficient space the teeth are not able to erupt straight in their correct positions. As a result of this the teeth are crooked and overlapping one another abruptly. Crowding generally needs a longer treatment plan but most cases can be corrected with Clear Aligners. We will be able to let you know whether the case can be corrected using aligners once we get the impressions.

Under Bite (Lower Teeth covering the Upper Teeth)
An underbite is a condition wherein on closing your mouth, your lower front teeth remain in front of your upper teeth. In most cases, this problem occurs because the lower jaw in more forward position as compared to the upper jaw. These cases are a little difficult with Clear Aligners but simple cases can be corrected by aligners. Our design team of expert orthodontist will confirm if a case is possible using aligners once we receive the impressions.

Cross Bite (Upper Teeth fitting behind the Lower Teeth)
This condition is similar to an Under Bite. In case of a Cross Bite, some of the upper teeth fit just behind the lower teeth. SDalign Clear Aligners can solve most cases of Under Bite very effectively.
Still in Doubt?
We’re excited to get you the best smile you deserve. Let our experts clear any doubts you have. Schedule an initial consultation with an orthodontist completely free!