Clear Aligners For Underbite

It is common for any person to feel uncomfortable when they have the misalignment of teeth. An underbite is one such problem due to improper teeth alignment.


The people having this problem have difficulty chewing food, improper speaking, inappropriate smile, and other problems. Proper Orthodontic treatment can get the proper solution for the underbite problem. The treatment duration can range between 12 to 24 months.


Traditional braces have been commonly used for the treatment of this problem. However, many people find it complex to do braces treatment for such a long duration. Clear aligners treatment is the other option to treat the underbite problem properly.


What is an underbite?

underbiteAn underbite, the lower front teeth do not coincide with upper teeth set when the mouth is closed where lower front teeth come in front of the upper teeth set.


What are the causes of the underbite?causes of underbite

  • Generally, the problem of the underbite is found to be hereditary.
  • Some childhood habits like thumb sucking causes the lower teeth to come forward.
  • Bottle feeding after a certain age can lead to an underbite.
  • Tongue thrusting can cause the lower teeth to come in from upper teeth to some extent.

What are the problems associated with the underbite?

The improper teeth alignment problem like underbite can cause different types of problems.


Here are some of the problems due to underbite:

1. Problem while food chewing

A person having the underbite finds it problematic while chewing the food. They find it more difficult to chew the hard food stuff properly.


2. Improper smile

A person having an underbite has a very improper smile appearance where their lower teeth are easily seen by other people. It also creates a different expression which they do not intend to give due to underbite.


3. Hard to clean teeth

Although the underbite is not a serious dental issue, it can lead to other dental problems like tooth decay and gum problems later. It is mainly due to difficulty in doing oral hygienic habits like teeth brushing and flossing.


4. Jaw painjaw pain

Some of the underbites are mild and some are very severe. It is fine to get along with the mild jaw pain, while it is very difficult when the underbite is severe due to the jaw pain caused by it.


How are the underbite fixed?

The problems like underbite are fixed with Orthodontic treatment. The treatment will cause the irregular teeth positions to get in proper position and minor jaw displacement to get the teeth set aligning properly.


How to solve underbite teeth through clear aligners?

As braces treatment is a little troublesome, many people are finding the clear aligners more comfortable. With clear aligners, the patient is finding it convenient to smile as the aligners are not easily visible. It also becomes easier to brush teeth and clean the aligners, as they are removable.


The Orthodontist will assess the condition of the teeth in an underbite, and then depending on the teeth position an appropriate clear aligner treatment will be done. Here, a proper impression of the teeth will be taken first and then the aligners will be designed accordingly.


The aligners set will exert pressure on the teeth and make them move in a specific direction. Depending on the condition, the aligners will be changed after a period of around every four to five weeks.


Each new set of aligners will keep moving the teeth in the desired direction until it is removed after getting it in the desired position. Clear aligners can give the desired results for the proper teeth alignment.


What are the benefits of using clear aligners for an underbite?

  • Primarily, the clear aligners are invisible due to the color like the teeth which makes it easier for a person to smile, talk, and speak.
  • As clear aligners can be removed whenever needed, it becomes easier to chew the food, brush teeth brushing, and clean the clear aligners properly.
  • The completion of the treatment process for the proper teeth alignment is comparatively lesser.
  • When compared to the traditional braces treatment, the number of visits to the Orthodontist is very low, which makes it more comfortable for the person.

If you have any improper teeth alignment problem like underbite then get the proper clear aligner treatment to fix it. While going through the clear aligner treatment for the underbite, it is necessary to follow the guideline properly.

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