Tips for Drinking and Eating with Clear Aligners

It is very important to understand that seeking clear aligners treatment will involve taking care of various aspects. Clear aligner treatment is one of the convenient ways to correct the teeth misalignment problem.


It can help to treat many of the issues like overbite, underbite, the gap between teeth, crooked teeth, and various other different types of teeth misalignment problems. However, getting the Orthodontic treatment with clear aligners is not that easy, as the person must take care of different aspects.


During this treatment, it is not convenient to eat or drink anything after putting on the aligners. Maintaining proper eating and drinking is primarily important care to be taken during the clear aligner treatment.

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners are the Orthodontic treatment method to make the proper teeth alignment. They are an alternative for the braces treatment which can work to move the teeth in the desired position that can improve the smile.


Clear aligners are transparent, making it difficult for other people to notice it easily. This makes the person more comfortable in social situations making them free to smile and speak. Clear aligners can also be removed so that it becomes easier to eat, brush teeth, and clean the clear aligners.


What are some tips to eat and drink during the clear aligner treatment?

It is difficult to eat and drink anything during the treatment process, so care must be taken while eating and drinking during the treatment process.


Here are some of the tips to eat and drink the clear aligner treatment:

1. Maintain proper drinking and eating food in a day

Keep a proper schedule for the meals, snacks, and drinking during the day. As it is important to keep the aligners for around 20 to 22 hours a day, it is essential to cut down on frequent snacks. This will minimize the removal of the clear aligners frequently in the day that can help to maintain the clear aligners in a proper position.


2. Removing the aligners while eating food

Removing the alignersEating any hard food with aligners in the mouth can cause damage to the aligners with a break or chip in it. Here, a person may have to stay without the aligners for a longer duration as it will take some period to prepare for the new aligners.


Also, making the new aligners can incur extra costs for a person. When it comes to drinking, it is fine for drinking any liquid with aligners as it cannot create any damage.


3. Brushing more

After eating any food, there are chances that there can be the accumulation of the food in the crevices of the teeth. This can cause cavity development in the teeth. So, after eating a meal it is necessary to brush the teeth to ensure that the teeth do not get decayed.


4. Avoid eating and drinking very hot food or liquid

Avoid drinking very hot foodAlthough mild hot food and drinks might not be troublesome for the aligners, hot food or drink can be problematic. However, if the food and drinks are very hot then they can damage and warp the material of the aligners. A person must ensure that the intake they are taking is not too hot.


5. Avoiding eating very hard food

Although it is possible to chew the hard food with clear aligners, there are chances of damage in certain cases. If the food eaten is very hard then the clear aligners can get damaged or chipped while eating. Also, a person may have to wait for making new aligners along with the extra cost incurred in it.


6. Avoid eating chewing gum

chewing gumWhen you have the aligners in your mouth then it is better to avoid eating chewing gum. They can make the aligners remove from the position and also might get stuck in a difficult position in the teeth.


7. Avoid frequent removal

Although aligners can be removed when needed, it is always better to minimize the removal. Frequent removal of the aligners can affect the treatment process and there are chances of pushing to the teeth.


Deciding on the decision of going with the clear aligner treatment can get a better benefit when all the guidelines are properly followed. Special attention is very essential while eating and drinking with the clear aligner treatment.

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